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Barnes/Richardson Secures Continuation of Suspension Agreement on Lemon Juice from Argentina
TweetJuly 10, 2013
Barnes, Richardson & Colburn, LLP, on behalf of client Ventura Coastal LLC and Sunkist Growers, successfully convinced the U.S. government in a sunset review to maintain the antidumping suspension agreement covering imports of lemon juice from Argentina, the primary supplier of U.S. lemon juice imports. The suspension agreement was originally imposed in 2007, requiring the exporters to submit cost and pricing data to the Department of Commerce each year to calculate minimum price levels under an agreed formula.
On July 10, 2013, the U.S. International Trade Commission decided in a 5-1 vote that the revocation of the suspension agreement on lemon juice from Argentina would lead to the recurrence of material injury to U.S. producers. The Commission also voted 6-0 to revoke the suspension agreement on lemon juice from Mexico. These votes follow determinations made by the U.S. Department of Commerce that revocation of the orders would lead to the continuation or recurrence of dumping in the U.S. market by Argentinian and Mexican exporters. As a result of the decisions by the ITC and DOC, the Argentine imports will continue to be subject to annually revised minimum price levels. The Commission will be required to conduct another sunset review in five years.