Trade Agreements

Companies can design their international supply chain to reduce customs duties and other expenses by sourcing goods originating in a Free Trade Area. The United States has trade agreements ranging from the US-Mexico-Canada Free Trade Agreement ("USMCA") and the U.S.-Central America-Dominican Republic FTA ("CAFTA-DR") to bilateral agreements with South Korea, Australia, Chile, Singapore, Jordan, Israel, Moroco, Bahrain and other countries. Companies exporting to customers who may be seeking to claim preferences under these agreements must establish compliance systems to gather the necessary information and document the origin of their products. Similarly, importers need to have the required documentation or knowledge to support a claim for duty-free entry.

Barnes/Richardson lawyers have helped many companies establish and defend compliance systems for FTAs. This experience includes very complex programs including automotive rules of origin, averaging, fungible materials, and other details of the rules of origin. We have also worked with companies undergoing governmental verifications of the status of their goods. 

Jul. 23, 2024
OFAC's Extended Statue of Limitations
Jul. 10, 2024
Mexico and the US Have a Meeting of the Minds on Steel and Aluminum Transshipment
Jun. 5, 2024
U.S. Company Settles Anti-Boycott Violation
May 17, 2024
DHS' Largest Ever One-Time UFLPA Entity List Expansion
Apr. 22, 2024
Climate and Trade Task Force Created
Apr. 12, 2024
Using French and British English to Classify Imports
Feb. 12, 2024
The 2018 Trade War Has Been an Employment Failure
Jan. 22, 2024
CIT Overturns AD/CVD Evasion Finding
Jan. 16, 2024
Drug Cartel Linked to $10.4 million Customs Fraud Penalty
Jan. 8, 2024
Customs Will Deactivate 232 Exclusions at 95%
Jan. 8, 2024
Customs Publicizes UFLPA Detention Addendum
Dec. 19, 2023
US and EU Appear to Have Trade Truce Through March 2025
Dec. 4, 2023
Customs Clarifies "Date of Entry" Meaning
Nov. 3, 2023
Senators Pitch Americas Act as Win-Win, Win-Lose
Oct. 2, 2023
Export Enforcement Five Continues Heightened Controls for Russia
Aug. 18, 2023
Two CIT Decisions Clarify Some (Potential) Importer Responsibilities
Jun. 22, 2023
Customs Broker Continued Education Requirements Finalized
Apr. 24, 2023
Customs Makes Clear that Clearing UFLPA Detained Products Is Very (Very) Difficult
Jun. 15, 2021
Proposed USMCA Rule for Non-Preferential Origin Determinations
Mar. 23, 2021
Senate Confirms USTR and Commerce Heads
Feb. 15, 2021
President Biden Signs Made in America Executive Order
Feb. 9, 2021
Biden Signals Renewed Commitment to WTO with Nigerian Candidate for Director-General
Dec. 21, 2020
USMCA Labor Board Reports on Mexico Compliance
February 25, 2019
President Trump Delays Deadline for 301 Tariff Increase
May 1, 2018
232 Update: Exemptions Extended, Drawback Denied
September 14, 2017
NAFTA's Fourth Round of Negotiations Scheduled for Mid-October
July 3
USTR Requests U.S.-Korean Joint Committee to Review KORUS Agreement
June 2, 2017
President Trump Announces Withdrawal from Paris Climate Accord
May 22, 2017
USTR Requests ITC Investigation into Economic Effects of NAFTA Agricultural Import Tariff Elimination
February 14, 2017
President Trump, Prime Minister Trudeau Meet to Discuss Potential NAFTA Modifications
January 24, 2017
President Trump Signed a Presidential Memorandum Withdrawing the U.S. from the TPP
Friday April 24, 2015
Senate Finance Committee and House Ways and Means Committee Pass TPA, Customs Reauthorization, and GSP Bills
April 20, 2015
Senate Finance Committee Holds Open Executive Session on Four Trade Bills
April 15, 2015
USDA Agreement Expands Pork and Beef Exports to Peru and Mexico
February 5, 2015
USDEC Fights EU GI Policies
January 22, 2015
State of the Union Address and the President's Trade Agenda
January 14 , 2015
EU Study on ISDS
December 15, 2014
ITA Fails to Meet Deadline
November 18, 2014
Brussels Report on Restrictive Trade Measures
November 13, 2014
U.S. and India TFA Resolution
September 24, 2014
EU and Ecuador Free Trade Agreement Text Released
September 15,2014
South Korea's Involvement with the TPP
August 7, 2014
U.S. Concerns Regarding South Africa's Participation in the AGOA
August 6, 2014
U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit
April 11, 2014
Wyden Outlines Plan for TPA
March 10, 2014
White House Releases 2014 Trade Agenda
January 29, 2014
Obama Plugs Passage of TPA in State of the Union