Industry News

USTR to Accept Petitions Regarding GSP Modification

April 4, 2018

In a Federal Register notice published April 4th, the USTR announced that it will accept petitions for modification of the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP).  Petitions can request the following:
  • Changes to a country's status as a GSP beneficiary on the basis of unacceptable policies or practices.
  • Remove the GSP-eligibility status of one or more countries' products
  • Obtain a waiver of competitive need limitations.
  • Denial of de minimis waivers for otherwise eligible products.
  • Addition of currently GSP-excluded products to the list.
The review process will be comprised of separate hearings concerning both product-related and country-related petitions.  Dates for these hearings will be published at a later date in the Federal Register.

Petitions are due to the USTR by April 16, 2018.  Petitions can be submitted electronically through the Federal Rulemaking Portal.

Please contact one of our attorneys for further information.